
Your Club


We are Score Global Properties® and we are the future of sport pathways for both players and staff providing current pathways while creating future career opportunities in global sport.  Our mission is to make soccer the most accessible sport in the America’s.  We embrace diversity, technology and global connections to drive the growth of our sport and serve our athletes and fans.  #TheFutureIsBright.


Sporting ID11™ is the first community/supporter owned Sporting Club in North America.  (SGP) partnered with the ScoreUSAfoundation is a not-for-profit registered 501(c)3 Inc.   SGP® has 20 years of success in international and domestic business, sport and philanthropy.  Sporting ID11™ is the first community/supporter owned Sporting Club in

North America.  #ForTheFansWithTheFans

Top — SGP signifies our SUCCESS and history as a domestic and international sports business and global philanthropic organization.  ScoreGlobalProperties and the ScoreUSA Foundation…

Middle — SPORTING identifying as a Sporting Club to promote a Sporting Culture and our process of investing in #PEOPLE #PLACE with #PURPOSE while developing alternative/realistic professional player-sporting/career and education sustainable pathways…

Logo — Is our CULTURE the original ScoreUSA Foundation soccer/football logo, that has represented and collaborated in succession within successful events and projects throughout Sport over the past 20 years.  Three stripes representing the pastXI, presentXI and the futureXI player-sporting/career pathways, identified and placed into real professional global opportunities.

ID11™ — Is our IDENTITY… Identifying, developing and continuing to create and develop, XI players at a time:  the ​past XI, the present XI and the next XI.


Ownership   #Withthefansforthefans

ScoreGlobalProperties®  presents  Sporting ID11™  #WithTheFansForTheFans, creating the first fully supporter owned and operated professional soccer/football SPORTING club in North America.   #OneShareOneVote for more information on how to JOIN our OWNERSHIP team, Please EMAIL (SGP) Sporting ID11™ , to start the conversation.

success   #Thefutureisbright

In 2020 a concept was created to align past SPORTING projects in North America, building a CULTURE and creating a #LEGACY of IDENTITY — In 2021 the team was developed with a PLAYER-CENTERED approach, proving anything is possible!  The first season after launching YOUR team went on to collectively win the UPSL SoCal Premier title.  From there — a long-term, strategic and collaborative brand emerged…

ScoreGlobalProperties®  presents Sporting ID11™ as the future of IDENTIFICATION, DEVELOPMENT AND OPPORTUNITY of real, sustainable pathways for players and staff careers.  Providing “Education Through Sport” scholarship programming for education with University and Education partners whilst connecting past, current and future players with a consistent WINNING platform — showcasing talent within national CUP and other INTERNATIONAL CUP Competitions on an annual basis.  We are a vehicle for Owners/Supporters/Fans, Staff and Athletes  #WithTheFansForTheFans  ;  #EducationThroughSport  ;  #DevelopingPlayersTomorrowTODAY ; #PlayerCentered #PeopleCentered #Player #Education and #Career #ProfessionalPathways