

We are crafted on “CULTURE” and remains key to our SUCCESS.
Score Global Properties® and Sporting ID11™ creates a professional CULTURE on/off the field and into our Community.
Creating opportunity #PEOPLE, developing pathways with #PURPOSE, promoting the #PlayerCentered realistic-alternative #ProfessionalPathways #PLAYER #EDUCATION #CAREER


COMMUNITY IS WHERE “CULTURE” and “IDENTITY” combine through PARTNERSHIPS, using sport as a vehicle to an exciting destination.
NEW Relationships, NEW Business, NEW Stakeholders. Score Global Properties® #ForThePlayersByThePlayers l Sporting ID11™ #ForTheFansWithTheFans


Our “IDENTITY” is where we at Score Global Properties® partnered with ScoreUSA foundation® leading Sporting ID11™
we are invested in “PEOPLE,” developing “PLACE,” where a professional “PURPOSE” thrives on a daily basis.
WINNERS are built to create Lifetime CHAMPIONS. #FutureIsBright


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