Become a Partner
Current Academy Partners
As of June 1st, 2025:
GlobalM and NextGen – SPAIN
(Alliances: with RFEF and LaLiga) clubs as to competition, exchanges and placements.
also in (partnership with): FC Toreros and *Funroots) – Japan
Nigeria Youth League – NIGERIA
also in (partnership with): 30 clubs and teams, including Garden City Panthers.
United Soccer / America United – Brazil
also in (partnership with): Operario, Ponte Preta, BotafogoA
Expanding to 10+ acadimies in 2025-2026
Additional (acadimies/clubs and affiliations) within North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia/Ocenania coming in 2025-2026
Club and Academy OVERVIEW
The ID11™ Way – is one of the most advanced, developed and exclusive within global football. ID11™ goes through a clear process in building any new relationship to make sure each of our offerings meet the level of expectation of the talents your organization, club or academy possesses. We interview a variety of academies across the globe on an annual basis and it is important we continue to be both diverse and inclusive to maximize the best talents having the opportunity to:
Enhance our European Pathway or Placement,
Professional Pathway and Placement or Transfers,
Participate in additional ID11™ International Football Pathways combined with Education programming if/when needed or have access to alternative Pathways College/University Playing Scholarships.
ID11™ additionally hosts International Tournaments, Tours, Preseason programs, Coach-Staff CPD and organizational leadership programming for our Global Club, Academy – Partners and Affiliations.
For more Information and/or to be considered to join the Official ID11™ Club and Academy – Partner or Affiliates program, please click the Let’s Chat button below.
Club and Academy SUCCESSES
In this section we will highlight NEW Talents, NEW Placements, Signings and/or Transfers of our ID11™Clubs and Academy Successes.
To enquire about our partnerships and affiliations, specific to becoming a ID11™ an official Club or Academy and benefit from our global network, relationships and offerings, please click the “Let’s Chat” button below for more information.