


Sporting ID11™ —- for more info Let’s Chat, email us: 

SportingID11™ a vehicle developed by ScoreGlobalProperties® in coordination with ScoreUSA® Foundation.  Creating an opportunity for you to become a key stakeholder and OWNER in collaboration to invest alternatively in #PEOPLE and #PLACE with #PURPOSE.
SPORT is a TEAM pursuit.  To achieve success, you need to have the right teammates, all working together towards a common goal.  That’s what OWNERSHIP with SportingID11™ are all about.
Our TEAM presents a unique opportunity to BUILD VALUE in community territories, collaborating with NEW stakeholders, leading toward a destination to fund Equity Investment in professional soccer #OneShareOneVote.  Re-Developing the creation of Soccer for ALL, making the game affordable and accessible and supporting additional Social Success: #EDUCATION, #CAREER and community led pathways with YOU becoming part of a team – within a global supporter owned and operated Professional Soccer TEAM in the United States, providing a new Legacy for ALL to drive IMPACT.
Soccer is special, uniting #PEOPLE from diverse backgrounds in a shared love of the “beautiful game.”  Soccer enthusiasts also share great passion for their TEAM and its like-minded power within their communities.
We invite you to consider investment with #PURPOSE and to share in our passion, support and earn the trust and loyalty of our TEAM, current stakeholders while developing NEW ownership, to maximize untapped potential, driving Legacy for years to come.


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Starting XI – CHAIRMAN’S Club

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